
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Our companion along the way...

Draw near to God, 
and he will draw near to you...
James 4:8a

Photo credit:  Ric Perezmont - Cathopic

 Fr Peter John Cameron, O.P, offers this advice (in Aleteia, 02/04/24):

"A must-read text for this Year of Eucharistic Revival is the apostolic exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis (The Sacrament of Charity) by Pope Benedict XVI. The work is divided into three parts: “The Eucharist, a Mystery to Be Believed”; “The Eucharist, a Mystery to be Celebrated”; and “The Eucharist, a Mystery to be Lived.”

Published in 2007, this short work is most compelling in making clear the integral connection between the Most Holy Eucharist and every facet of our life. The best way to make sense of reality is by way of the mystery of the Eucharist and everything that the Eucharist signifies — all the truth that the Eucharist makes radiantly apparent.  ...

As the document asserts so eloquently, in the Sacrament of the Altar, the Lord meets us and becomes our companion along the way. ... In the Eucharist, the Son of God comes to meet us and desires to become one with us. Unlike any other force known to us, the mystery of the Eucharist contains an innate power — a power making the Eucharist the principle of new life within us. That is, a source of revival." (Emphases added)

Let us together follow 
Fr Cameron's encouragement - 
in read and in deed!

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