
Monday, March 11, 2024

His glance follows us every moment...

  "Lent comes providentially 
to reawaken us, 
to shake us from our lethargy." 
 Pope Francis

“Make use of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament
as a means of persevering in the practice of virtue.

Let us go to Him toward evening
and tell Him about our shortcomings,
let us ask Him for help and forgiveness.
Our Lord loves us, constantly, and His glance
follows us every moment of the day.”

Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val
Servant of God

"... when the door starts closing a bit because 
of our weakness and sins, confession 
reopens it." - Pope Francis

 "Put aside your hatred and animosity. Take pains to 
refrain from sharp words.  If they escape your lips, do not 
be ashamed to let your lips produce the remedy,
 since they have caused the wounds. Pardon one another 
so that later on you will not remember the injury. 
The recollection of an injury is itself wrong.  
It adds to our anger, nurtures our sin and hates what 
is good. It is a rusty arrow and poison for the soul
It puts all virtue to flight."- St. Francis of Paola

"In failing to confess, Lord, I would only hide 
You from myself, not myself from You." 
 St Augustine

Novena to St Joseph - Day 2

Pray - Fast - Give

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