
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The humility of Jesus...

   Wednesday of Holy Week
I offered my back to those who beat me,
my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not 
hide my face from mocking and spitting. - Isaiah 50:6

"The humility of Jesus
can be seen in the crib,
in the exile to Egypt, in the hidden life,in the 
inability to make people understand Him,
in the desertion of His apostles,
in the hatred of His persecutors,
in all the terrible suffering 
and death of His Passion, and now ...

in His permanent state of humility 
in the tabernacle, where He has reduced 
Himself to such a small particle of bread that 
the priest can hold Him with two fingers. 
The more we empty ourselves,
the more room we give God to fill us."
St Teresa of Calcutta
Painting image:  The Flagellation of Christ - Guercino

Ten Ways to Prepare for Easter and Mercy Sunday -

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