
Sunday, April 21, 2024

Good Shepherd Sunday...

 4th Sunday of Easter

“For He hears the lamb’s innocent call,
And He hears the ewe’s tender reply.
He is watchful while they are in peace.
For they know when their Shepherd is nigh.”
 William Blake

"We adore You, Jesus,
eternal Shepherd of the human race.
You are present in the Eucharist
to dwell continually 
in the midst of Your people.
You nourish us,
You guard us,
You guide us to the heavenly fold."
Ven. James Alberione

Painting above: Good Shepherd - Yongsung Kim



Also ... today... 
61st WORLD DAY of

 WEB-Priest-ordination-4.jpg (550×455)
 Good Shepherd Sister, Sr Rose Vu, rejoices with Fr Spencer  J Howe 
on his day of Ordination 05/25/13 

"To young people, ans especially those who feel distant or uncertain 
about the Church, I want to say this:  Let Jesus draw you to himself;
bring him your important questions by reading the Gospels;
lethim challenge you by hie presence, which always provokes in us
a healthy crisis.  More than anyone else, Jesus respects our freedom.
He does not impose, bur proposes. Make room for him and you will find
the way oto happiness by following him.  And, should he ask it of you,
by giving yourself completely to him." - Pope Francis


Pray TODAY - and EVERYDAY - for vocations -

Father, hear the prayers of Your people 
and bring to maturity the seeds You have 
sown in the field of Your Church. 

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