
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Worth remembering...

  "May your heart be an altar, from which 
the bright flame of unending thanksgiving 
ascends to heaven." - St Mary Euphrasia

“Draw near to our Lord, thoroughly 
aware of your own nothingness,
and you may hope all things
from His Goodness and Mercy.
Never forget
that Jesus Christ is no less generous
in the Blessed Sacrament than 
He was during His mortal life on earth.

St Mary Euphrasia Pelletier
France ~ 1796-1868
Foundress ~ Sisters of the Good Shepherd
Motto: "One person is of more value
 than a world." 
Feast Day - April 24


"Go after the lost sheep without 
other rest than the cross,
other consolation than work,
other thirst than for justice." 
 St Mary Euphrasia

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St Mary Euphrasia, pray for us!

Day 3
Novena to St Joseph

Feast Day:  May 1 (Patron of Workers)
St Joseph, pray for us!

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