
Friday, June 21, 2024

One Communion, preparation for another...

    For Christ's love compels us... 
II Cor 5:14a

"It is said of St Aloysius Gonzaga that he used to receive Communion once a week and that he was accustomed to spend three days in preparation before it and three days in thanksgiving after it.  ... By this means, the angelic youth was enabled to walk continually with God; one Communion was the preparation for anotherthus, he constantly advanced in purity of heart and in love for Jesus Christ."

Fr Michael Muller, CSSR
The Blessed Eucharist, Our Greatest Treasure

 St Aloysius Gonzaga
  Italy ~ 1568-1591
Jesuit seminarian, Patron of Youth
Spiritual Director: St Robert Bellarmine
Feast Day - June 21 

St. Aloysius spent a lot of time in prayer especially before the
Blessed Sacrament.  So much so that when it came time to make a 
painting of him it was decided to make it of him kneeling in adoration 
before of our Lord Jesus since this reflected best of who he was. 

"I confess that I am bewildered and lose myself at the thought 
of Divine Goodness, a sea without shore and fathomless, 
of God who calls me to an eternal rest after such short 
and tiny labors summons and calls me to heaven, 
to that supreme Good..."  - St Aloysius

"The Lord grants you your life in order that you may apply 
yourself to the pursuit of perfect virtue, 
and that during your life, you endeavor to propagate 
devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
which is most pleasing in Heaven."- St Aloysius

St Aloysius, pray for us!

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