
Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Sunday rest...

It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
to sing praises to your name, O most High...
Psalm 92:1

"For the rest on Sunday or a feast day does not mean 
unproductive idleness but is a 'rest from labor, 
consecrated by religion.  Repose united with religious 
observance dispose man to forget for a while the 
business of this daily life, and to turn his thought to 
heavenly things and to the worship which he so 
strictly owes to the eternal Deity' (Pope Leo XIII).  
Sunday and holy days are meant to remind us that, 
in addition to temporal work there are other 
labors in the vineyard of our own soul."

Bl Stefan Wyszynski (+1981)
Polish archbishop and cardinal
As noted in Magnificat 
Vol 26 No 4 June 2024
Photo credit - Pascal Deloche / Godong

 A most blessed FATHER'S DAY 
to all FATHERS!

St John Paul II, in a March 19, 1981, homily, asked,
“Where, dear father, will you be able to draw the energy
necessary to assume in various circumstances
the right attitude that your children, 
even without knowing it, expect from you?” 
He strongly advised against smothering their spontaneity or
abandoning them to a state of insecurity or loneliness.
“St. Joseph is the answer to this, he proclaimed.

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"St Joseph was an ordinary sort of man
on whom God relied to do great things. 
He did exactly what the Lord wanted him to do,
in each and every event that went to make up his life."
St Josemaria Escriva

A stepfather, adoptive father, and biological father, Thomas More is a model for all dads 
In praise of the Father, and our fathers
St Joseph and St Thomas More,  
pray for all fathers!

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