Saturday, October 5, 2024

Inexhaustible spring of mercy...

  "Let us then with confidence draw near
to the throne of grace, 
that we may receive mercy and find grace
to help in time of need. - Hebrews 4:16

 “You wanted to stay with us, and so you left us 
Yourself in the Sacrament of the Altar, 
and You opened wide Your mercy to us
You opened an inexhaustible spring of mercy for us, 
giving us Your dearest possession
the Blood and Waterthat gushed forth
 from Your Heart (Diary 1747).
St Maria Faustina
Poland ~ 1905-1938 
Nun, mystic, visionary
Known as the Apostle of Divine Mercy
Feast Day – October 5

"If we were to sit for an hour
a few feet away from a radioactive element, 
how much would that change effect us? 
The Lord is infinitely more powerful than this 
and if we go to Him seeking grace and mercy,
how much more can we hope to be changed?" 
 St Maria Faustina
Jesus I trust in You!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Hold nothing back...

  "May the burning and most sweet power of Your love, 
O Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech You, absorb my mind that 
may die through love of Your love, Who were graciously 
to die through love of my love." St. Francis 

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Meditation of St. Francis of Assisi

Let everyone be struck with fear,
the whole world tremble, and the heavens exult 
when Christ, the Son of the living God,
is present on the altar in the hands of a priest!

O wonderful loftiness
and stupendous dignity!
O sublime humility!
O humble sublimity!
The Lord of the universe,
God and the Son of God,
so humbles Himself
that He hides Himself
for our salvation
under an ordinary piece of bread!

See the humility of God, brothers,
and pour out your hearts before Him!
Humble yourselves that you may be exalted by Him!
Hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves,
that He Who gives Himself
 totally to you
may receive you 

St Francis of Assisi
Deacon, Founder, Stigmatist
a.k.a. - "the little beggar"
Italy ~ 1181 - 1226
 Founder: Friars Minor (Franciscans)
Co-founder w/St Clare: Order of Poor Ladies (Poor Clares)
Founder :  Third Order of Penance (for laity)
Started Eucharistic Adoration in Italy
Feast Day - October 4
Painting above:  Artist: Mary Jane Miller

Artist: Michael O'Brien

"Sanctify yourself and you will sanctify society."
- St Francis of Assisi

St Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
Blessed namesake day, Pope Francis!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

How consoling the Eucharist...

 "If you lean with all your weight 
upon Providence, you will find 
yourselves well supported. - St Theodore

"How consoling is the mystery of the Eucharist! 
If we knew how to appreciate it,
it would suffice to fortify and sustain us.

Is there anything sweeter than to have 
a friend to whom we may at any hour
confide our difficulties and our pain?"

St Theodore Guerin
France -- 1798 -1856
aka: St Theodora
Foundress:  Sisters of Providence 
of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods
Feast Day - Oct 3

"What have we to do in order to be saints?
Nothing extraordinary; nothing more than 
what we do every day.  Only do it for His love."
 St Mother Theodore Guerin

At the time of her beatification, Pope JPII 
pronounced the life of Mother Theodore Guerin 
as "a perfect blend of humanness and holiness".