
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Sweetness, yes... so sweet...

See to it that no one takes you captive 
through hollow and deceptive philosophy, 
which depends on human tradition 
and the basic principles of this world 
rather than on Christ. - Col 2:8

“There is more sweetness in 
one hour of prayer before Jesus 
in the Blessed Sacrament 
than in all the world's crowded theaters,
and brilliant drawing rooms,
and giddy diversions, and social gatherings.”

St Gabriel Possenti
Passionist clerical student
Italy ~1838-1862
Exemplary devotion 
Feast Day: February 27

“Love Mary! She is lovable, faithful, constant. She will never let herself be outdone in love, but will ever remain supreme. If you are in danger, she will hasten to free you. If you are troubled, she will console you. If you are sick, she will bring you relief. If you are in need, she will help you. She does not look to see what kind of person you have been. She simply comes to a heart that wants to love her. She comes quickly and opens her merciful heart to you, embraces you and consoles and serves you. She will even be at hand to accompany you on the trip to eternity." - St Gabriel Possenti

Our Lady of Sorrows

St Gabriel is remarkable for he obediently and willingly converted 
in a very short time from a life of excess, devoted to the pleasures of 
this world, to becoming inextricably linked to the Passion of Our Lord. 
He shows us that all are blessed with the graces 
to fall in love with Our Lord, no matter what the cost.

Gabriel died at age 24 of tuberculosis and buried the day of his death. 
A companion in the novitiate, Bernard Mary of Jesus, exclaimed:
“Tears come to my eyes and I am filled with shame for having been 
so far from the virtues that he attained in such a short time.”

St Gabriel Possenti, pray for us! 

We continue in prayers for Pope Francis

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