
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Our deepest identity...

 Opening Mass (6/10/12) ~ 50th International Eucharistic Congress ~ Dublin , Ireland 
June 10 to June 17 ~ Theme: “The Eucharist: Communion With Christ and With One Another.”

...“The Church draws her life from the Eucharist, she receives her own identity from the gift of Christ's own Body. In communion with His Body, the Church becomes what she receives: she becomes one body with Him in the Spirit of the new and eternal covenant. What a great and marvellous mystery! A mystery of love! …

When we receive Communion, the Spirit of the Lord present in Christ's Body passes into our hearts and into our bodies, making us one new ecclesial body, the mystical body of the Lord. This ecclesial body is our deepest identity.”

 Cardinal Marc Ouellet
Excerpts from Homily, 6/10/12
Eucharistic Congress, Dublin

Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops
Cardinal Ouellet is Benedict XVI's representative at the event.

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