
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Satiation for all!

“The Bread of Heaven
every taste and hunger.”

 St Anthony of Padua
nee Portugal
Italy ~ 1195-1231
Franciscan Priest, Wonder worker
Patron of the Poor, Patron of Lost articles
"Hammer of the Heretics"~ "Ark of the Testament"
FEAST DAY - June 13

"Christians must lean on the Cross of Christ just as travelers lean on a staff when they begin a long journey. They must have the Passion of Christ deeply embedded in their minds and hearts, because only from it can they derive peace, grace, and truth."  ~ St Anthony

St Anthony, ora pro nobis!

Pope Pius XII named St. Anthony a Doctor of the Universal Church, that is, one of the great Christian teachers of all time—and a renowned preacher of God’s word. In fact, Anthony was such a famous preacher that in 1228—at age 33—he was invited to preach before Pope Gregory IX. Afterwards, the pope called Anthony the “Ark of the Testament.” Anthony revealed such a grasp of God’s word that, in the eyes of the pope, he seemed to “contain” within himself the whole of Sacred Scripture.

Have you invited someone to Holy Mass yet this month
- where hunger and thirst is satisfied?
In this month dedicated to the Sacred Heart it is fitting indeed!

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