
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Happiness can be yours!


As he was giving out Holy Communion
that priest felt like shouting out:
“This is Happiness I am giving to you!”

St Josemaria Escriva
The Forge, 267

ORDAINED to the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ TODAY*
Saturday, May 25, 2013
*My son among them!
Oh, day of all love excelling!
An Old German saying:
It is worth wearing out a pair of shoes to walk
to receive a priest's First Blessing!

Rev Mr Leonard Andrie ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls (Minnesota)
Rev Mr Andrew Brinkman ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr John Drees ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr Joah Ellis ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
*Rev Mr Spencer Howe ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr Andrew Jaspers ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr Luke Marquard ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr Brian Park ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr James Peterson ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Rev Mr Andrew Stueve ~ Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls
Cathedral of St Paul ~ 10 AM Mass

Rev Mr Michael Benz ~ Archdiocese of St Louis (Missouri)
Rev Mr Raymond Buehler ~ Archdiocese of St Louis
Rev Mr John Nickolai~ Archdiocese of St Louis
Rev Mr Charles Samson ~ Archdiocese of St Louis
Rev Mr Christopher Seiler ~ Archdiocese of St Louis
Cahtedral of the most Blessed Sacrament ~ 10 AM Mass

Rev Mr Nathan Haverland ~ Diocese of Topeka (Kansas)
Rev Mr Daniel Schmitz ~ Diocese of Topeka
Rev Mr Quentin Schmitz ~ Diocese of Topeka
 St. Matthew ~ 10:30 AM Mass

Rev Mr Juan Acosta ~ Diocese of Bridgeport (Connecticut)
Rev Mr John Connaughton ~ Diocese of Bridgeport
Rev Mr Joseph Gill ~ Diocese of Bridgeport
Rev Mr Matthew Krankall ~ Diocese of Bridgeport
Rev Mr Krysztof Kuczynski ~ Diocese of Bridgeport
Rev Mr Damien Pielesz ~ Diocese of Bridgeport
Rev Mr Ralph Segura ~ Diocese of Bridgeport
Cathedral of St Peter - 10:30 AM Mass

Rev Mr Peter Heasley ~ Diocese of NewYork (New York)
Rev Mr Lorenzo Laboy ~ Diocese of New York
Rev Mr Sandro Leyton ~ Diocese of New York
Rev Mr Jeffrey Pomeisl ~ Diocese of New York
Rev Mr Kenneth Riello ~ Diocese of New York
Rev Mr Esteban Sanchez ~ Diocese of New York
Rev Mr Marek Wasilewski~ Diocese of New York
St Patrick's Cathedral ~ New York ~9:00 AM Mass

 Rev Mr Jeffrey Todd Nance ~ Diocese of Tulsa (Oklahoma) 
Cathedral of the Holy Family - 10 AM Mass     
Rev Mr Joseph Laracy ~ Diocese of Newark (New Jersey)
Rev Mr James Platania ~ Diocese of Paterson (New Jersey)
Rev Mr Thomas MacDonald ~ Diocese of Boston (Massachusetts)

Let us hold them in prayer and offer thanksgiving for their 'YES'!

"The work of the priest is eternal. ... There are many commendable things
many people can do - and do do... but the work of the priest is to keep people
out of hell ... and get them into heaven ... that is an eternal work. " 

 Fr.  George A. Welzbacher (class of 1951)
Archdiocese St Paul/Mpls

1 comment:

  1. New York, NY and Newark, NJ are archdioceses. What you have called "Diocese of New York-New Jersey (Clifton, NJ)" is the Diocese of Paterson, NJ.
