
Friday, May 24, 2013

Stripped of everything...

"In His risen life on earth Christ often made Himself recognized only by the characteristic of His unmistakable love, by showing His wounds, by His infinite courtesy, by the breaking of bread. He would not allow the sensible beauty and dearness of His human personality, His familiar appearance, to hide the essential Self that He had come back to give.

Wholly consistent with this is Christ's return to us in the Host. We know that in it He is wholly present: body, blood, soul, and divinity. But all this is hidden; even His human appearance is hidden. Because this is the way of absolute love, He insists on coming to us stripped of everything but Himself."

Caryll Houselander


  1. Last day of prayer for Deacon Spencer! The prayers will continue for Fr. Spencer! Loads of love and congratulations to you Janette!

  2. Ruth - this note of your continued generosity and charity of prayer is welcomed this morning - and so heartening!!! May the soon-to-be Fr Spencer Howe befriend many such as yourself!
