
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Holy paradise within grasp!...

 "The altar reminds us of the remoteness in which 
He lives "beyond the altar," as we might say, 
meaning divine distance or "above the altar,"
 meaning divine loftiness, both to be understood 
of course not spatially, but spiritually." 
Romano Guardini

"Possessing this treasure of holy Mass,
hope breathes againand if we but 
throw it not away by our own mismanagement,
we have holy paradise within our grasp

Well may we, therefore, kiss our altars,
perfume them with incense and holy sweets;
and, what is more, honor them with the 
utmost reverence and awe, since through them 
there cometh so much good."

St Leonard of Port Maurice 
The Hidden Treasure: Holy Mass

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