
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Source of LIGHT and LOVE...

"I must become a great saint.  
My Jesus wants it." - St Bernadette

“The Eucharist 
bathes the tormented soul
in light and love.
Then the soul appreciates these words,
‘Come all you who are sick, 
I will restore your health.'" 

St Bernadette
France ~ 1844-1879
Lourdes visionary and nun
Feast Day - April 16*
*Some places - other places Feb 18

PHOTO: Amor Santo | Cathopic

Said of St Bernadette by a fellow Sister, Sr Dalias:
"The Holy Eucharist was the breath of her soul."

 A tiny tot of four inquired of St Bernadette,
"You have seen the Blessed Virgin, Sister. Was she beautiful?"
"So beautiful," she replied, "that once you have seen her,
you would willingly die to see her again."

St Bernadette, pray for us!

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