Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The living heart...

"Authentic evangelization is not about 
imposing our beliefs on others, 
but about sharing the joy of the Gospel 
and inviting others to encounter Christ."
St Paul VI

"Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 
is the Living Heart of 
each of our parishes."

St Paul VI
Italy: 1897-1978
Doctorate in Canon Law
Pope: 1963-1978
First Pope to visit USA
Had 2 Papal mottos:
"With Him on the holy mountain"
and "In the name of the Lord"
Patron: Vatican Council II
Feast Day - May 29

"Modern man listens more willingly 
to witnesses than to teachers
if he does listen to teachers, 
it is because they are witnesses."
St Paul VI

St Paul VI, pray for us!

Novena to the Sacred Heart begins TODAY
Solemnity: June 7

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