Friday, March 14, 2025

His love: greater than our ingratitude...

“Deepen your love daily for the Eucharist.”
St Louis Guanella

Via Crucis - Fugel

"Jesus is more cruelly treated
by bad Christians than by the Jews.
In Jerusalem He was condemned only once,
but in the Blessed Sacrament,
He is condemned everyday 
and in thousands of placesand by 
an appalling number of unjust judges.

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And yet Jesus allows Himself to be
insulted, despised, condemned:
He still continues His sacramental life 
in order to show us that His love for us 
is without condition or reserve,
that it is greater than our ingratitude."

St. Peter Julian Eymard 
"Stations of the Cross"

Novena to St Joseph - Day 5

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Carrying away heaven...

 The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; 
thou holdest my lot. 
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
yea, I have a goodly heritage. - Psalm 16: 5,6

"When we come from our Communions,
 if anyone said to us:
'What are you taking home with you?'
we should be able to reply:
'I am carrying away Heaven!'"
St John Vianney

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"All the way to heaven is heaven,
because Jesus said, "I am the way."
 St Catherine of Siena

Novena to St Joseph - Day 4

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Truth Himself speaks truly...

  "Do not doubt whether this is true, but rather 
receive the words of the Savior in faith, 
for since He is the truth, He cannot lie." - St. Cyril 

    "An argument was once made use of by a pious painter named Leonardo.  He one day met in an inn two men, one of whom was a Lutheran and the other a Calvinist.  They were ridiculing the Catholic doctrine about the Blessed Sacrament.  
    The Calvinist pretended that by these words, 'This is My Body,' it was only meant that the bread signifies the Body of Christ; the Lutheran, on the other hand, asserted that this was not true, but that they meant that bread and wine, in the moment of their reception, became, by the faith of the recipient, the Body and Blood of Christ.
    While this dispute was going on, Leonardo took a piece of paper and drew the image of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with Luther on the right hand and Calvin on the left.  Under the image of our Saviour, he wrote the words: 'This is My Body.' Under the figure of Calvin he wrote: 'This signifies My Body'; and under that of Luther: 'This becomes My Body in the moment that you eat it.'  
    Then handing the paper to the two disputants, he said: 'Which of these three is right, our Saviour, or Calvin, or Luther?'  They were struck at the force of the argument, and ceased to scoff at the Catholic doctrine."
Excerpt from The Blessed Eucharist: Our Greatest Treasure
by Fr Michael Muller, C.S.S.R. 
First published 1868.  Reprinted 1973, 1994.
Novena to St Joseph - Day 3

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

His glance follows us every moment...

   "Lent comes providentially 
to reawaken us, 
to shake us from our lethargy." 
 Pope Francis

“Make use of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament
as a means of persevering in the practice of virtue.

Let us go to Him toward evening
and tell Him about our shortcomings,
let us ask Him for help and forgiveness.
Our Lord loves us, constantly, and His glance
follows us every moment of the day.”

Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val
Servant of God

"... when the door starts closing a bit because 
of our weakness and sins, confession 
reopens it." - Pope Francis

 "Put aside your hatred and animosity. Take pains to 
refrain from sharp words.  If they escape your lips, do not 
be ashamed to let your lips produce the remedy,
 since they have caused the wounds. Pardon one another 
so that later on you will not remember the injury. 
The recollection of an injury is itself wrong.  
It adds to our anger, nurtures our sin and hates what 
is good. It is a rusty arrow and poison for the soul
It puts all virtue to flight."- St. Francis of Paola

"In failing to confess, Lord, I would only hide 
You from myself, not myself from You." 
 St Augustine

Novena to St Joseph - Day 2