St Colman's Church, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK
"The Eucharist has been given to us as a Bread of life, and it is of the nature of bread to be eaten often, just as it is of the nature of life to grow by slow degrees. While Jesus, the Word Incarnate, can give us perfect holiness through a single Communion, He has no intention of working miracles in the order of grace, in opposition to the order established by Providence .
Man spends many long years reaching his full physical stature. The same is true of his spiritual stature. To attain 'to the mature measure of the fullness of Christ' (Eph 4:13) requires persistent effort, with the help of grace and the practice of an intense Eucharistic life.
Frequent and daily Communion for both adults and children is in accord with the generous intentions of our Lord's love and also with the wishes of the Church..."
Excerpt from In Him is Life - pg 112-113
Ernest Mura, F.S.V. - Translated by Angeline Bouchard
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