The former Protestant minister, Scott Hahn, tells how...
"Out of consuming curiosity I went to Mass one day. I sat there looking at all these people. I looked at their devotion, their sincerity taking time out in the middle of the day to worship; and I watched how, during the consecration, their heads were lowered, their lips were moving, their hearts were stirring.
I went back the next day, and the next, and the next. Within a week or two I had fallen head over heels in love with the Mass. I was transformed. The Eucharist became, in a sense, the all-controlling central desire of my life! I can't describe to you the passionate thirst and hunger that came over me day after day as I saw all of these people going up and being fed with the Body and Blood of our Lord!"
Dr Hahn entered the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil, 1986.
From Hidden Treasure: The Riches of the Eucharist
- Louis Kaczmarek
Free CD or Free MP3 download of complete conversion story
(Site also includes same offer for several other edifying talks)
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