Friday, September 7, 2012

Disciples of the Sacred Heart

"Do not think that the science of the Sacred Heart is too deep for you. It is the science of the poor and the science of the little child; they, by an infused light and by an implicit knowledge, know the Sacred Heart even more perfectly and more precisely than the cultivated intellect which, in its cultivation, is cold.
Therefore it is a science within the reach of all; and it comes more by love than by light, more by prayer than by study; most of all it comes by communion with the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus Himself.
Make yourselves, then, disciples of His Sacred Heart. Learn to love and to be like it; and in the measure in which you are like it you will know it; and in the measure in which you know it, you will love it; and it will be in you as rest and sweetness and light and strength.
You will walk with Jesus in this world as the two disciples walked with Him to Emmaus, but your eyes will not be holden; and your heart will burn within you as He talks with you by the way; and when you see Him in eternity He will not vanish out of your sight, but you will see Him as He is, and He will abide with you forever."
H.E. Cardinal Manning (1808-92): The Glories of the Sacred Heart, pp. 97-99.

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