Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper
and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. - 3 John 1:2
Title of painting: At Mass we pray with Christ who reaches out to the Father
in the burning love of the Holy Spirit. ~ Artist: Elizabeth Wang
"As often as the sacrifice is offered,
the Lord's death, the Lord's resurrection, the Lord's ascension,
and the remission of sins are signified--
and still you don't take this bread of life daily?
He who has a wound needs a medicine.
The wound is that we are under sin;
the medicine is the heavenly and venerable sacrament."
St. Ambrose of Milan
Love that image!
ReplyDeleteAgree! - Elizabeth Wang has done some very beautiful work capturing the Eucharistic life. Her titles are characteristically lovely and loquacious!