Thursday, October 3, 2024

How consoling the Eucharist...

 "If you lean with all your weight 
upon Providence, you will find 
yourselves well supported. - St Theodore

"How consoling is the mystery of the Eucharist! 
If we knew how to appreciate it,
it would suffice to fortify and sustain us.

Is there anything sweeter than to have 
a friend to whom we may at any hour
confide our difficulties and our pain?"

St Theodore Guerin
France -- 1798 -1856
aka: St Theodora
Foundress:  Sisters of Providence 
of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods
Feast Day - Oct 3

"What have we to do in order to be saints?
Nothing extraordinary; nothing more than 
what we do every day.  Only do it for His love."
 St Mother Theodore Guerin

At the time of her beatification, Pope JPII 
pronounced the life of Mother Theodore Guerin 
as "a perfect blend of humanness and holiness".

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