FEAST of Our Lady of Fatima and
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
May 13
The Fatima apparitions are a call to reparation through
Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and praying the Rosary
for the conversion of sinners.
Again and again, Our Lady reminds us: this is Heaven’s Peace Plan!

"A great crisis today around the Eucharist is not just a crisis of faith, but a crisis of love - of a love rooted in obedience to the love revealed to us by our God. Some people want to have the Eucharist without conversion; yet that is not the way of the Lord.
Some people may miss Mass on Sunday, they may be taking money illegitimately, they may be engaging in sexual relations outside of marriage, they may vocally support abortion, euthanasia, homosexual activity and homosexual unions, they may fail in the just treatment of their neighbor by gossip or prejudice, or they may commit some other serious sin and go to Communion. ... Others perceive that they "do not get anything out of Mass" and simply view it as one more event in a busy weekend, sometimes leaving it as the last thing to fit into a full schedule of activities. Others complain that Mass is too long or simply do not come. ...
This is a tragedy because the Eucharist is about Jesus Christ and His saving works on our behalf. In the Mass we share in the feast that the Lord Himself has prepared for us." ---- Bishop Samuel Aquila - 10.14.05

"The message of Fatima is an appeal to conversion. In her motherly solicitude, the Blessed Virgin came here, to Fatima, to ask men not to offend God any more. It was a mother's sorrow that obliged her to speak." ~ Pope Bl John Paul II

"To her, consequently, it belongs to make Jesus in the Sacrament known and loved; to her it belongs to spread the Eucharist throughout the world, to multiply churches, to raise them in infidel lands, and to defend faith in the Eucharist against heretics and the impious; to her it belongs to prepare souls for Communion, to rouse them to make frequent visits to Jesus, and to assist zealously at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass." ~ St. Peter Julian Eymard
Our Lady of Fatima,
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament,
Ora pro nobis!
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