Solemnity of the Most SACRED HEART of JESUS

All eyes on Jesus! ~ Mass of Thanksgiving - Fr Spencer J Howe ~ 26 May 2013
"Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus infallibly leads souls to the Eucharist. Love for, and devotion to, the Eucharist infallibly leads souls to the mystery of God's infinite love symbolized for us by the Sacred Heart, a symbol necessary because love itself is immaterial and imperceptible: We need the sensible manifestation of the Divine Heart.
So it is that the Sacred Heart, the Holy Eucharist, and Love itself, are one and the same thing; for in the Eucharist dwells Jesus, in Jesus His Heart, and in His Heart is infinite love. The Eucharist can be explained only by love; the love of Jesus is the love of His Heart, and so the Eucharist is explained only by the Sacred Heart. Drawn close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by cords of love, we receive into our own hearts the Eucharistic Lord in Holy Communion. It is not possible to carry fire in one's bosom and not become inflamed by it. Fire enkindles fire."
~ Fr Richard Neilson
Full text:
"Love overcomes, love delights.
Those who love the Sacred Heart rejoice."
~ St Bernadette

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!
The Sacred Heart is often depicted in Christian art as a flaming heart shining with divine light, pierced by the lance-wound, surrounded by the crown of thorns, surmounted by a cross and bleeding. Sometimes the image is shown shining within the bosom of Christ with His wounded hands pointing at the heart. The wounds and crown of thorns allude to the manner of Jesus' death, while the fire represents the transformative power of Divine Love. Jesus is ever-offering His Heart of Love to all!
Finally saw Fr.Spencer! Such a grace for you Janette, to see your son's first mass! Praise the High King of Heaven! :)
ReplyDeleteINDEED - praise the King of Heaven! Ruth, you are as much his mother now as I - he belongs to the Church. Every breath of your prayers has had merit. May God reward your sacrifices. Continue in your prayers - he is back in Rome finishing exams - 1 finished, 2 next week, one the following week. Then will serve in the Archdiocese of St Paul/Mpls for 3 months - then back to Rome for one more year of continued studies.
ReplyDeleteThat is great to know! He (My brother in Christ) will remain in my prayers always. Thanks for letting me know about him. :)