"At the blessing, we should think that Jesus Christ
is at that moment giving us His own blessing." ~ St Francis de Sales

Fr George Welzbacher ~ Final blessing after holy Mass, St John of St Paul Catholic Church (East side - St Paul , MN - USA)
"The Cross is where the Church finds her mission. ... At the beginning of Mass, we make the Sign of the Cross as a way of showing our solidarity with the suffering of Christ, into Whose death we were baptized, taking up our crosses and following Him. At the end of Mass, we reaffirm that solidarity and once more take up our crosses, with renewed strength and grace because of our devout participation in the Sacrifice of the Mass. "
Jeffrey Pinyan
Excerpt: Praying the Mass, 2nd Ed (2010)

"The last blessing over the people represents the sending of the Holy Spirit, whom our Lord sent among the apostles after He had ascended into heaven, according to His promise, You shall receive the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon you. It also recalls the last blessing that will be given when Christ says, Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”
Durandus, Bishop of Mende (France)
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