Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls ... - Psalm 42:7

“Only by the power of grace can nature be purged from the dross and made ready to receive the divine life. And this life itself is the fountain from which springs the works of love. A woman's life for which divine love is to be the driving force will have to be a Eucharistic life. To forget self, to open one's heart to the various needs of others - this becomes possible only through daily intimacy with our Lord in the tabernacle.
If we visit the Eucharistic God and seek His counsel in all our problems, if we let ourselves be purified by the sanctifying power that flows from the altar, if we offer ourselves to the Lord in this sacrifice and receive Him into our souls in Holy Communion, then we cannot but be drawn ever more deeply into the current of the divine life. We shall grow into the mystical body of Christ and our heart will be fashioned in the likeness of the Sacred Heart."
St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)*
From: Essential Writings, 48-49
*Born into a German Jewish family, Edith Stein had a conversion experience one night after reading St Teresa of Avila ’s autobiography. She exclaimed, “That is the truth!” Shortly after, she was baptized a Catholic and received her First Communion. She later became a Carmelite.
Beautiful...especially since it is from a Carmelite LOL! I love this and it will give me much to meditate on. Thank you for sharing your inspirations from the Spirit. Your blog is unique because you are open to what God is leading you to share.
ReplyDeleteAnother of my favorite saints. "Meet Edith Stein" is a great introductory book into her life.
ReplyDeleteTheresa: appreciate your comments. I hope to think that I leave enough room for the Holy Spirit to work - what, when, where, how. Please prayer that I will do this more and more! As for today - may good and grace-filled St Theresa Benedicta move we searching souls into a slow and sure meditation!
ReplyDeleteAnother note: Altho I am a Lay Missionary of Charity our movement shares much with the Carmelite community - especially in our mutual heart of prayer and also since our foundress, Bl Mother Teresa of Calcutta, took her name from Teresa of Avila and also had a great and enduring devotion to the Little Flower. I have many close and dear Carmelite friends who example for me great discipline of prayer and deep joy - among them St Theresa Benedicta!
Barbara: You know my weakness - and strength! - for books! Thanks for the tip on a new title I am not aware of... but hope to see on my shelf soon! (Hope my husband is reading this!!)
Thank you -- this is a great post!
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the visit, the comment. St Theresa Benedicta, pray for us!