Cor mundum crea in me, Deus.
Create a clean heart in me, O God. - Psalm 51:10

PRAYER after COMMUNION (Today's Liturgy)
O God, who bestowed on blessed Saint Maria Goretti
a crown among the Saints for her twofold triumph
of virginity and martyrdom, grant, we pray,
through the power of this Sacrament, that,
bravely overcoming every evil, we may attain
the glory of heaven. Through Christ our Lord.
St Maria Goretti
Italy ~ 1890 -1902
Martyr at age 12 in defense of her virginity
Patron of Youth and Victims of Rape
FEAST DAY - July 6

"Parents can learn from her story how to raise their God-given
children in virtue, courage and holiness; they can learn to train
them in the Catholic faith so that, when put to the test,
God's grace will support them and they will come through
undefeated, unscathed and untarnished."
~ Pope Pius XII: from homily, canonization Mass of St Maria Goretti (1950)
St Maria Goretti, pray for us!
Prayer Before a Dance or Party
Prayer Before a Date
Prayer Before a Date

ORDAINED to the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ TODAY
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Oh, day of Love Divine, all loves excelling!
An Old German saying:
It is worth wearing out a pair of shoes to walk
to receive a priest's First Blessing!
Rev Mr Daniel McCaughan ~ Archdiocese of Sydney (Australia)
Rev Mr Dominic Pham Hong An Nguyen ~ Archdiocese of Sydney
Rev Mr David Nicholas Rynne ~ Archdiocese of Sydney
St Mary's Cathedral ~ 10:00 AM Mass
"The priest who teaches, is always suspended in space:
he does not touch heaven, but he must make heaven descend
to the earth and the earth climb to heaven." ~ Pere Lamy
I have always loved the storyof St. Maria Goretti.
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking of you much lately. Today we finish the enthronement of our home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It's been a glorious week --- and sewing every spare minute! :-) Almost there!
Good morning, Barbara! - We enthroned our home in 2004 - and we cannot contain the avalanche of blessings since that day!! Praying now in Thanksgiving that you have today marked this blessed event in your home! This morning Fr Howe celebrated holy Mass beneath our two enthroned images of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts (which were hand carried from Fatima in 2004). At the end of holy Mass Father blessed us with a first class relic of St Maria Goretti which he was recently bequeathed from a Passionist priest. Oh, my - what was I saying about an avalanche of blessings ... ? The best is yet to be! St Maria Goretti, pray for us!
ReplyDeleteYou are so blessed. I can only pray, and pray, and pray...
ReplyDelete...and while we are on the subject of relics, we have a second class relic of Pope John Paul II which we were so excited to realize is now a saint relic! Hallelujah!