and see, the goodness of the Lord. - Psalm 34:8

"The liturgy
and the sacraments are not mere rituals;
they are encounters with Jesus
Christ. Through our repeated celebration
of the holy mysteries, our eyes are
increasingly opened, if we are faithful.
We learn to see and hear Christ in
the liturgy, to experience His ministry to us.
The fact that
Jesus vanishes from their sight teaches us
that He is no longer seen with the
eyes of the flesh, but with the eyes of faith
and the eyes of the heart. Although
He is gone from our earthly, fleshly, carnal sight, He is now to be seen in the
sacrament of the altar and experienced in the Liturgy
and in the other sacraments. The Mass has reached its pinnacle
and in the other sacraments. The Mass has reached its pinnacle
for these two disciples and for us.
They have tasted and now they see."
Msgr Charles Pope
Excerpt of today's homily
Full text of this excellent-must-read
Oil painting above: The
Supper at Emmaus ~ Giuseppe Vermiglio (1585-1635)
"The Lord's Day is the lord of days" (4th c homily)
yet today also remembering....
Feast Day - April 30
Pope St. Pius V
~ 1504-1572
Church Reformer
Leadership at time of Battle of
of the Rosary"
decision to keep wearing his Dominican habit
to the custom of the pope wearing a white cassock.

Pius V, pray for us!
here: St. Pius V - YouTube (2