Monday, September 9, 2024

To love as we ought...

   "Blessed is the influence of one 
truly loving human soul on another." 
George Eliot

"To love God as 
He ought to be loved,
we must be detached from all temporal love.
We must love nothing but Him,
or if we love anything else,
we must love it only for His sake."

St Peter Claver
Native of Spain ~ 25 June 1581– 8 Spet 1654
Jesuit, missionary to South America
Apostolate to Africans on slave ships,
sailors and traders 
Estimated to have baptized 300,000 +
Feast Day - Sept 9

 Peter Claver understood that concrete service like 
the distributing of medicine, food or brandy t
his black brothers and sisters could be as effective 
communication of the word of God as mere 
verbal preaching. Peter said of the slaves, 
"We must speak to them with our hands 
by giving, before we try to 
speak to them with our lips."

St Peter Claver, pray for us!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Death thru Eve, life thru Mary...

 "When the most holy Virgin was born, 
the whole world was made radiant;
blessed is the branch and blessed is the stem 
which bore such holy fruit."
Today's Liturgy of the Hours, Antiphon 2

September 8

"This radiant and manifest coming of God to men 
most certainly needed a joyful prelude  
to introduce the great gift of salvation to us.  
The present festival, the birth of the Mother of God, 
is the prelude, while the final act is the foreordained 
union of the Word with flesh.  Today the Virgin is born, 
tended and formed, and prepared for her role as 
Mother of God, who is the universal King of the ages." 
St Andrew of Crete, bishop - Oratio 1: pg 97

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Raul Berzosa ~ Holy Mother

Another woman is now given thee in place of the first, 
prudent and humble Eve instead of the proud and foolish one,
an Eve who shall offer thee, not the tree of death but the
Bread of Life, and who shall yield thee, not the poisoned fruit
of bitterness but the delicious fruit of immortality.

Change thou, therefore, the wicked words of self-excuse 
into the voice of praise and thanksgiving, and say to the Lord,
‘The woman whom Thou gavest me, gave me of the 
tree of life and I did eat; and it has become in my mouth 
sweeter than honey, because in it Thou hast given me life.'

Behold here the purpose for which the Angel was sent from God
to the Virgin. O Virgin, worthy of all admiration, deserving of
all honour! O most wonderful of women and venerable over all.”
  St Bernard of Clairvaux


 "Death through Eve, life through Mary."
 Saint Jerome 

"The day of the Nativity of the Mother of God is a day of
universal joy, because through the Mother of God, the entire
human race was renewed, and the sorrow of the first mother, Eve,
was transformed into joy."- Saint John Damascene


"We never give more honour to Jesus than when we 
His Mother, and we honour her simply and solely to 
honour Him 
all the more perfectly. We go to her only as 
a way leading to the goal we seek - Jesus, her Son. ...
She is an echo of God, speaking and repeating only God.  
If you say "Mary," she says "God." 
- St Louis Marie de Montfort
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, #94

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"Today God welcomes on earth the holy throne which He 
had prepared for Himself.  He who established the heavens in 
wisdom has fashioned a living Heaven." - Byzantine Liturgy

(song +images - lovely! - 2 mins)
Mary, mother of the Bread of Life, 
pray for us!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hope has a Name! ...

  ...where then is my hope?  
Who will see my hope? - Job 17:15

St. Paul  Street Evangelization member, Fred Ford, ministers to a tearful cyclist, who shared that he is out of work and is now homeless. He graciously accepted a rosary and asked for prayer.

"Do not be afraid to give reasons 
for the hope that dwells in you,
a hope that has a concrete name:
Jesus Christ!

This hope must be transmitted
to your contemporaries,
helping them to seek, offering them 
authentic friendship and acceptance,
leading them to discover 
the great gift of the Eucharist."
St. John Paul II
Meeting with youth, Roma
9 October 2004

St Paul Street Evangelization team member, Fred Ford,  shares the Catholic faith on the streets  (Miami) 
Photographer: Anne Dibernardo/FC      For more info:  St. Paul Street Evangelization

Friday, September 6, 2024

Abandoning God's mysteries to God...

  "The Eucharist bathes the tormented soul 
in light and love." - St. Bernadette Soubirous

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"Let weak and frail man come here suppliantly
to adore the Sacrament of Christ,
not to discuss high things,
or wish to penetrate difficulties, but to bow down 
to secret things in humble veneration,
and to abandon God's mysteries to God,
for Truth deceives no man -
Almighty God can do all things.  Amen."
St Paul of the Cross

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Belonging entirely to Jesus...

   For every living soul belongs to me, 
the father as well as the son -
 both alike belong to me.  - Ezekiel 18:4a

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"Our Hours of adoration
will be special hours 
of reparation for sins, and intercession 
for the needs of the whole world, 
exposing the sin-sick and suffering humanity 
to the healingsustaining 
and transforming 
rays of Jesus, 
radiating from the Eucharist."

St Teresa of Calcutta
nee Albania ~ 1910-1997
Foundress - Missionaries of Charity
Co-patron of India
26 August 1910 ~ 5 September 1997
Feast Day - September 5


"By blood, I am Albanian.  
By citizenship, an Indian. 
By faith, I am a Catholic nun.  
As to my calling, I belong to the world.  
As to my heart, I belong entirely 
to the Heart of Jesus."- St  Teresa of Calcutta

St Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!