Sunday, October 6, 2024

The cross is steady...

 Stat crux dum volvitur orbis
"The cross is steady while 
the world is turning." - St Bruno

“We ought to annihilate ourselves before God, after the example of His profound annihilation in the Sacrament of the Eucharist; and we should make our examination of conscience, for we must be in a state of grace to be able to assist properly at...

"I believe the sacraments
which the Church believeth,
and in particular that the bread and wine 
consecrated on the altar are 
the true Body of our Lord Jesus Christ;
His true Flesh, and His true Blood,
which we receive for the remission of our sins,
and in the hope of eternal life."St Bruno

The Lord's day is the lord of days, 
but today also remembering... 
St Bruno
 Feast Day - October 6
Nee 1030, Germany
Died 1101, Italy
Founder, Carthusian Order
Patron: those who suffer from demonic possession

St Bruno in prayer.jpg (262×360)

"By your work you show what you love
and what you know." - St Bruno

"For the devil may tempt the good, 
but he cannot find rest in them; 
for he is shaken violently, and upset, 
and driven out, 
now by their prayers, 
now by their tears of repentance, 
and now by their alms giving 
and similar good works." - St Bruno

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