Thursday, September 30, 2021

He provides, we trust...

"Catch, then, O catch the transient hour; 
Improve each moment as it flies!" - St Jerome

"If Christ did not want to dismiss the Jews
without food in the desert for fear
that they would collapse on the way,
it was to teach us that it is
dangerous to try to get to heaven
without the Bread of Heaven." - St Jerome 


St Jerome
c. 331- 420
Early Church Father, Doctor of the Church
Brilliant and thorough scholar and writer 
Translated Scripture into Latin (Vulgate
Consultant to Popes and Bishops
Feast Day - September 30

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Bartolomeo Cavarozzi ~ St Jerome

 "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." - St Jerome

"Be at peace with your own soul, then heaven and earth 
will be at peace with you." - St Jerome

Click here: St. Jerome - YouTube (2 mins)
10 Witty quotes from Saint Jerome
Top 9 quotes of ST. JEROME

St Jerome, pray for us!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Guardians of power and love...

 Feast of Archangels
St Michael~St Gabriel~St Raphael
September 29

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"O, angelic spirits, 
who guard our tabernacles, wherein lies 
the adorable treasure of the Holy Eucharist,
defend it from profanation 
and preserve it for our love."

St Josemaria Escriva 

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"Michael and his Angels battled against the dragon...
Satan, the seducer of the whole world, was driven out."
Revelation 12:7, 9

The Three Archangels and Tobias, Francesco Botticini, 1470

A Sermon of Pope Saint Gregory 
From the Third Nocturne of Matins of the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel

We speak of nine orders of Angels, because we know, by the testimony of Holy Scripture, that there are the following: Angels, Archangels, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. It must be realized that "Angel" is the name of their office, not of their nature. For the holy Spirits of the heavenly homeland are always Spirits, but they cannot always be called Angels; they are Angels only when they are announcing something. Those who announce less important things are called Angels, and those who announce the highest things are called Archangels. And so not any Angel but the Archangel Gabriel was sent to Mary; for this ministry, it was fitting to have the highest Angel, since he was to announce the greatest news of all. These Archangels are also given special names to describe their particular virtue. For Michael means "Who is like to God?" Gabriel means "Strength of God," and Raphael "Medicine of God."
Whenever something is to be done needing great power, Michael is sent forth so that from his action and his name we may understand that no one can do what God can do. Hence that old enemy who through pride desired to be like God is shown at the end of the world, left to his own strength and about to undergo the final punishment, as destined to fight with Michael the Archangel, as John says, "There was a battle with Michael the Archangel." Similarly, Gabriel was sent to Mary; he who is called "Strength of God" came to announce Him who deigned to appear in humility to conquer the powers of the air. And Raphael is interpreted, as we said, "Medicine of God," for when he touched the eyes of Tobias to do the work of healing, he dispelled the "night of his blindness."

St Michael, St Gabriel, St Raphael, 
pray for us
and defend us in battle!

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Barefoot through fire... with JOY...

  "Who we love shapes what we become." - St Clare of Assisi

When St Margaret Mary Alacoque left the world 
and consecrated herself to God in the cloister, 
she made a private vow and wrote in her blood,
"All for the Eucharist,
nothing for me."
It is useless to attempt to describe 
the Saint's burning love for the Eucharist.
When she was not able to receive Holy Communion, 
she broke out in ardent expressions of love like these:

"I have such a desire for Holy Communion that if
I had to walk barefoot along a path of fire to obtain It,
I would do so with unspeakable joy."
Excerpt from Jesus, Our Eucharistic Love 
Fr Stefano Manelli

Monday, September 27, 2021

Going to Jesus from Jesus...

St Vincent de Paul was praying before the Eucharist one time 
and, after a man told him about a poor person 
on the street needing help, St Vincent said:

"I am going to Jesus from Jesus."

St Vincent de Paul
1580-1660 ~ France
Priest, Co-Founder of Daughters of Charity
Founder - Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians)
Patron - Charitable societies*
*Society of St. Vincent de Paul, founded 1833 
by devotee, Blessed Frederic Ozanam
Feast Day - September 27


"We should take as a maxim never to be surprised at current difficulties, 
no more than at a passing breeze, because with a little patience 
we shall see them disappear. Time changes everything."
-  St. Vincent de Paul

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Priesthood Sunday...

  Priesthood Sunday: 26 Sept 2021
A special day set aside to honor the priesthood in the United States...
 to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood
in the life of the Church as a central one.
Note:  Parishes may choose to celebrate Priesthood Sunday on another Sunday when convenient. 
This nationwide event is coordinated and sponsored by the US Council of Serra International.

Christ daily comes to us in humble form;
daily He comes down 
from the bosom of the Father
upon the altar  
in the hands of the priest."

St Francis of Assisi

Pray regularly for our priests!
Here is one way: offering Holy Hours
Visit Seven Sisters Apostolate
Seven Sisters Apostolate

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Crux, Hostia et Virgo...

" O sacrament of devotion! O sign of unity!
O bond of charity!" - St Augustine
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"There is nothing littler, meeker or more silent
than Christ present in the Host.
This little piece of bread embodies the humility and 
perfect silence of God, His tenderness and His love for us.
If we want to grow and to be filled with the love of God,
it is necessary to plant our life firmly on three great realities:
the Cross, the Host, and the Virgin:
crux, hostia, et virgo. ...
These are three mysteries that God gave to the world in order 
to structure, fructify, and sanctify our interior life 
and lead us to Jesus.
These three mysteries are to be contemplated in silence."
Robert Cardinal Sarah
in The Power of Silence
Against the Dictatorship of Noise (57)
Painting: The Virgin with the Host ~ Jean Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 1860, France

Friday, September 24, 2021

All things, made new...

 He who was seated on the throne said, 
"I am making everything new!"  
Then he said, "Write this down, for these words
are trustworthy and true." - Rev 21:5
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During a visit to the Philippines, Sister Gertrude from the Sacred Hearts Community
in Hawaii relayed this story (when she was over seventy) to Msgr Josefino (Pepe)
 Ramirez.  He passes it on in a Chapter of his book, Letters to a Brother Priest:

"When (Sr Gertrude) was a young nun, one of the old nuns was dying. The custom at that time was for the community to gather in prayer around the one dying. ... the nun was breathing her last breaths. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, stretched forth her arms and exclaimed: "O my Beloved."

Then she sat up and gazed lovingly at the Blessed Sacrament, which she had permission to have in her room since she had been too weak to go to the chapel. What happened next had never been told, until Sister Gertrude shared it with me. The old, wrinkled nun changed to a strikingly attractive young woman, radiantly aglow with a countenance that put the rest of the nuns into ecstasy just looking at her. After what seemed like a minute or two, the transformed nun went back against her pillow, turning old again and died. When the Sisters came out of their ecstasy, they were stunned to discover that this extraordinary event lasted for more than one or two minutes. The Sisters were in ecstasy for over thirteen hours! ...

If only we could see the change that takes place in us at each Holy Hour we make. We are made new in the Eternal Youth of Christ. We are made innocent, without blemish, as we are cleansed in His Precious Blood, in the folly of His surpassing love. "

Photo: University of Steubenville, Ohio

Thursday, September 23, 2021

As He thinks best...

"Prayer is the oxygen of the soul." - St Padre Pio 

"Kneel down and render the tribute
of your presence and devotion to Jesus 
in the Blessed Sacrament. 
Confide all your needs to Him, 
along with those of others.
Speak to Him with filial abandonment, 
give free rein to your heart, 
and give Him complete freedom 
to work in you as He thinks best."

St Padre Pio of Pietrelcino
Priest, Stigmatist, Mystic
Italy ~ 1887-1968
Patron of Eucharistic Adorers
Feast Day - Sept 23

"When I am close to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, 
I feel as if my heart is bursting out of my chest." - St Padre Pio

O Blessed Rosary of Mary
sweet Chain which binds us to God, 
Bond of love which unites us to the Angels, 
Tower of salvation against the assualts of hell, 
safe Haven in the universal shipwreck, 
we shall never abandon you.

 Petition to Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii, 
often recited by Padre Pio

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Life's focal point...

  "The greatest tragedy would be 
to come to the end of our lives and realize 
that the Lord was so near, 
and yet we were so far away."
- Fulton Sheen, The Eucharist God Among Us
Retreat on the Priesthood