Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Lead, kindly Light!...

"Lead, kindly Light! 
amid the encircling gloom,
Lead thou me on!"
St John Henry Cardinal Newman

"In the Holy Mass that One Sacrifice 
on the Cross once offered is renewed, 
continued, applied to our benefit. 

He seems to say, My Cross was raised up 
1800 years ago, and only for a few hours -
and very few of my servants were present there - 
but I intend to bring millions into my Church. 
For their sakes then I will perpetuate 
My Sacrifice, that each of them may be as 
though they had severally been present at Calvary.
I will offer Myself up day by day to the Father
that every one of my followers may have the opportunity 
to offer up his petitions to Him, sanctified and 
recommended by the all-meritorious virtue of my Passion.
Thus I will be a Priest for ever
in the order of Melchizedek - 
My Priests will stand at the Altar - 
but not they, but I rather, will offer.  
I will not let them offer mere bread and wine, but 
I myself will be present on the Altar instead, 
and I will offer myself invisibly, 
while they perform the outward rite.
And thus the Lamb that was slain once for all, 
though He is ascended on high, ever remains a victim 
from His miraculous presence in Holy Mass  under the 
figure and appearance of mere earthly and visible symbols."
 St John Henry Cardinal Newman
England ~ 1801-1890
Convert from Anglicanism in 1845
Teacher (Oxford), eminent theologian, 
writer, poet, popular preacher
Established Oratory of St Philip in England
Founded the Catholic University of Ireland
Canonized: 13 October 2019
Feast Day:  Oct 9
Painting above:  Francois-Marius Granet

"God knows what is my greatest happiness, but I do not. 
Thus God leads us by strange ways; we know
He wills our happiness, but we neither know 
what our happiness is, nor the way." 
St John Henry Cardinal Newman

St John Henry Newman, pray for us!

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