Saturday, October 5, 2024

Inexhaustible spring of mercy...

  "Let us then with confidence draw near
to the throne of grace, 
that we may receive mercy and find grace
to help in time of need. - Hebrews 4:16

 “You wanted to stay with us, and so you left us 
Yourself in the Sacrament of the Altar, 
and You opened wide Your mercy to us
You opened an inexhaustible spring of mercy for us, 
giving us Your dearest possession
the Blood and Waterthat gushed forth
 from Your Heart (Diary 1747).
St Maria Faustina
Poland ~ 1905-1938 
Nun, mystic, visionary
Known as the Apostle of Divine Mercy
Feast Day – October 5

"If we were to sit for an hour
a few feet away from a radioactive element, 
how much would that change effect us? 
The Lord is infinitely more powerful than this 
and if we go to Him seeking grace and mercy,
how much more can we hope to be changed?" 
 St Maria Faustina
Jesus I trust in You!

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