“…if there be anyone who, by his very mode of life and vocation, seems called to a life of identification with Christ, it is certainly the priest. Exteriorly his life is that of Jesus Christ. Are not all his official functions, the Mass, the administration of the Sacraments, the prayers of the liturgy – the essence of a life lived in Christ’s Name?
Every priest faithful to his vocation will readily admit this. Then why should he not aspire to conform his interior to his exterior life? Why not desire with all his soul to put on Jesus Christ as fully as possible, to be Christ “within,” to become, as we said before, like the Host which each morning he transforms into Jesus Christ? Such a form of spirituality is bound to appeal strongly to him, since it sums up the whole life as a process of transformation into Christ by identification to Him. This would seem to be the very form of spiritual life most befitting the priestly soul.”
Paul De Jaegher, SJ
One with Jesus (1929)
First American printing 1946