propose to have no other purpose in all my activities,
interior or exterior, than the motive of Love alone...
St Teresa Margaret Redi of the Sacred Heart
St Teresa Margaret Redi of the Sacred Heart

"When devotion
to the Sacred Heart
is recommended, what is being
recommended to us is
the gift of our entire
self to Jesus -
soul and body, thoughts,
feelings, words, actions, joys and sorrows.
Jesus came to light a fire on earth.
Fire purifies, gives light,
communicates, unites. Such is the blaze of
Divine Love devotion to the Sacred
Heart enkindles in our hearts.
The Heart of
Jesus in the Blessed
feeds the flame of our love for the
Lord, burning from us the dross of self.
Thus afire we thirst for souls as He
becoming His dedicated emissaries among the men and women
of our day,
to many of whom neither know Him
nor love Him."
Richard Neilson