"From the
bottom of my heart I recommend frequent confession
and Communion, but both of
these sacraments should be
received with the proper dispositions
so that progress in virtue
can be made
each time." - Saint Juan
With the touch of a button and using a tablet, Pope Francis on Sunday evening switched on a giant Christmas tree designed in lights on a hillside above the Umbrian town of Gubbio in Italy . The lighting ceremony came after he delivered this message via video link up from the Vatican ...
"In switching on the light of the Nativity scene, we wish for the light of Christ to be in us. A Christmas without light is not Christmas. Let there be light in the soul, in the heart; let there be forgiveness to others; let there be no hostilities, which are dark. Let there be the beautiful light of Jesus. This is my wish for all of you, when you turn on the light of the crib. Many thanks for your gift, it is beautiful.
Also I give to you my warmest wishes, peace and happiness. If you have something dark in your soul, ask the Lord for forgiveness. Christmas is a great opportunity to cleanse the soul, eh! Do not fear, the priest is merciful, forgiving all in the name of God, because God forgives everything.
Let light be in your hearts, in your families, in your cities. And now, with this wish, turn on the light.Blessed be God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Merry Christmas and pray for me."
“St. Augustine says, that to prevent the sheep from seeking assistance by her cries, the wolf seizes her by the neck, and thus securely carries her away and devours her. The Devil acts in a similar manner with the sheep of Jesus Christ. After having induced them to yield to sin, he seizes them by the throat, that they may not confess their guilt; and thus he securely brings them to Hell." - St Alphonsus Ligouri
Prepare for a time of Confession now -
before Gaudete Sunday -
that you may truly REJOICE!

"The soul that is in bondage to the flesh is incapable of conceiving things divine,
and hence the surest way to enlighten the mind is to purify the heart." - Abbe Fouard
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