Solemnity of
Immaculate Conception
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Feastday of the United States of America
December 8
December 8
to the Lord a new song,
for He has done
marvelous deeds. - Psalm 98:1
God chose
Mary the Immaculate to be "a model of holiness" ... At Mary's conception, a new
way of being human happens, and we are "chosen, destined" to share it. Adam and
Eve were tricked by the serpent's "conception." The yes of Mary at the
Annunciation, the culmination of the Immaculate Conception, undoes the
disobedience of Eden and makes paradise a possibility once again
for us.
(From Magnificat, Vol 17, No 10, Dec
your heart in joy and exalt Him Laud the glorious
In the Blessed Sacrament all Holy, supernal Of the Queen in God's Kingdom
In the Blessed Sacrament all Holy, supernal Of the Queen in God's Kingdom
the Lord, His glory veiling, Who remaining Virgin
Comforts souls true and lowly. Bore for men the Word eternal.
Comforts souls true and lowly. Bore for men the Word eternal.
Alabado, sung after Benediction
The Immaculate Conception (detail): Sassoferrato
Homily, St Patrick's Cathedral -
8 Dec 1996 - John Cardinal O'Connor...
8 Dec 1996 - John Cardinal O'Connor...
is the date of the Immaculate Conception, the eighth of December...Mary was made
immaculate, conceived without any trace of sin because she was going to be the
co-creator of the humanity of Christ. She was going to be, as God the Father
was the Creator, the re-creator of the human race with Christ. She was going to
be the tabernacle in which Christ would be
We cannot
now, of course, be conceived without original sin. But the more we can purify
ourselves through the Sacrament of Penance, through our own penances, through
trying to observe the Commandments and keeping close to Christ, then the more
fitting we become as tabernacles of
the Eucharist.
All of this requires an effort, perhaps for
some an unaccustomed effort. St
Augustine tells
us the reward. He was still in process of conversion from a highly profligate,
promiscuous life. Then he went into a Catholic community to worship in the
Eucharistic sacrifice. He said to a Catholic
"How I wept, deeply moved by your hymns, songs, and the
voices that echoed through
your Church! What
emotion I experienced in them! Those sounds flowed through my ears, distilling
the Truth in my heart. A feeling of devotion surged within me and the
tears streamed down my face - tears that did me
May that be our
experience in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. "
Brief overview - What is the IC? YouTube
Glorious things are
spoken of you, O Mary,
for from you arose the sun of justice, Christ our God.
(Communion Antiphon - today's liturgy).
for from you arose the sun of justice, Christ our God.
(Communion Antiphon - today's liturgy).

"To the maternal intercession of Mary, the Virgin of
let us entrust our path toward the Lord, while we continue
our Advent itinerary of making our
heart and our life ready
for the coming of Emmanuel,
- Benedict
XVI, 12/05/11, Noon Angelus
O chosen and fairest Virgin Mary, intercede for us!
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