FEAST of Our Lady of Lourdes*
"To all those who assist the sick and suffering I express my confident hope
that they will draw inspiration from Mary, the Mother of Mercy. "May the
sweetness of her countenance watch over us in this Holy Year, so that all of us
may rediscover the joy of God's tenderness" (Misericordiae Vultus,24), allow it to
dwell in our hearts and express it in our actions! Let us entrust to the Virgin Mary our
trials and tribulations, together with our joys and consolations. Let us beg her to turn
her eyes of mercy towards us, especially in times of pain, and make us worthy
of beholding, today and always, the merciful face of her Son Jesus!
With this prayer for all of you, I send my Apostolic Blessing." - Pope Francis,
(Full text of Letter for XXIV World Day of Sick, 2016 - BELOW)
"To all those who assist the sick and suffering I express my confident hope
that they will draw inspiration from Mary, the Mother of Mercy. "May the
sweetness of her countenance watch over us in this Holy Year, so that all of us
may rediscover the joy of God's tenderness" (Misericordiae Vultus,24), allow it to
dwell in our hearts and express it in our actions! Let us entrust to the Virgin Mary our
trials and tribulations, together with our joys and consolations. Let us beg her to turn
her eyes of mercy towards us, especially in times of pain, and make us worthy
of beholding, today and always, the merciful face of her Son Jesus!
With this prayer for all of you, I send my Apostolic Blessing." - Pope Francis,
(Full text of Letter for XXIV World Day of Sick, 2016 - BELOW)
Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes,
the shrines of Mary,
throughout the world,
become above
centers of devotion to the
if the Mother of Jesus had appeared,
or there,
order to lead the faithful to the
adoration and love of her
blessed Son.”
*Lourdes , France , has become a place of pilgrimage and healing, but even more of faith.
It is a continuation of Jesus’ healing miracles. Many who visitLourdes return home
with renewed faith and a readiness to more generously serve God.
There still may be people who doubt the apparitions ofLourdes . Perhaps the best
that can be said are the words that introduce the film, Song of Bernadette:
"For those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary.
For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible."
Only known picture of St Bernadette at the Grotto
(taken after the apparitions of 1858)
It is a continuation of Jesus’ healing miracles. Many who visit
with renewed faith and a readiness to more generously serve God.
There still may be people who doubt the apparitions of
that can be said are the words that introduce the film, Song of Bernadette:
"For those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary.
For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible."
Only known picture of St Bernadette at the Grotto
(taken after the apparitions of 1858)

Our Lady
of Lourdes , pray for
and especially the sick and suffering!
and especially the sick and suffering!
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