For he chose us in him before the creation of the world
to be holy and blameless in his
sight. - Eph 1:4

From the
treatise Mirror of the
Clergy by St
John of
but can also be fittingly applied to the priesthood of believers...
but can also be fittingly applied to the priesthood of believers...
who are called to the table of the
Lord must glow with the
brightness that comes from the
good example of a praiseworthy and blameless life. They must completely remove
from their lives the filth and uncleanness of
Their upright
lives must make them
like the salt of the earth for
themselves and for the rest of mankind. The brightness of their wisdom must make
them like the light of the
world that brings light to
others. ...
They have been
placed here to care for others. Their own lives
should be an example to others, showing how they must live in the house of the
Lord. "
St John of
~ 1385-1456
priest, preacher, theologian
theology by St. Bernardine of Siena -
the two worked to reform the Franciscan order
- "soldier priest"*
Mohammed II was threatening Vienna and Rome, St John, age 70, was commissioned by Pope Callistus II
to preach and lead a crusade against the invading Turks. Marching at the head of
70,000 Christians, he gained victory in the great battle of
Belgrade against
the Turks in 1456.
DAY - October 23
Painting above:
Priest teaching Catechism ~ Jules -Alexis Muenier
St John's tomb in the Austrian town of Villach,
governor had this message inscribed:
tomb holds John, by birth of Capistrano,
man worthy of all praise, defender and promoter of the
of the Church, zealous protector of his Order,
ornament to all the world, lover of truth and religious
of life, surest guide in doctrine;
praised by countless tongues, he reigns blessed in heaven."
praised by countless tongues, he reigns blessed in heaven."
John of Capistrano, pray for us!
Click here: St. John of Capistrano - YouTube (2 mins)
Click here: St John of Capistrano - Oct 23 - YouTube (2:30 mins)
Comments of Prof.
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira:
"One could try to make a classification of the saints. Some were founders of nations, others were organizers of nations, still others were founders of religious orders. Then, there is a category of saints who were the defensive walls of the House of God. They constitute a kind of saint whose principal goal is to fight, to destroy the enemies of God. They have the capacity to put fire in souls to stimulate them to the defense of God, to lead them to combat. And in the combat they know how to sustain the courage of the good as well as how to attack the enemies. Doing this, they defend the walls of the House of God. Such is the mission of this category of saints.St.
John of
Capistrano was one of these
"One could try to make a classification of the saints. Some were founders of nations, others were organizers of nations, still others were founders of religious orders. Then, there is a category of saints who were the defensive walls of the House of God. They constitute a kind of saint whose principal goal is to fight, to destroy the enemies of God. They have the capacity to put fire in souls to stimulate them to the defense of God, to lead them to combat. And in the combat they know how to sustain the courage of the good as well as how to attack the enemies. Doing this, they defend the walls of the House of God. Such is the mission of this category of saints.
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