"There is no place on earth where God is more present than in the
human heart. This heart truly is God's abode, the temple of silence...
The Father waits for his children in their own heart" (23) .
- Robert Cardinal Sirah
Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise (2016)

human heart. This heart truly is God's abode, the temple of silence...
The Father waits for his children in their own heart" (23) .
- Robert Cardinal Sirah
Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise (2016)
"When Holy Mass is properly celebrated
there are moments in which the voices
of both priest and faithful become silent. ...
That stillness proper to the most beautiful things
in existence dominates, a quiet area of attentiveness
in which the beautiful and truly important reign.
We must earnestly desire stillness
and be willing to give something for it; then it will be ours.
Once we have experienced it, we will be astounded
that we were able to live without it. ...
If someone were to ask me
what the liturgical life begins with,
I should answer: with learning stillness.
Without it, everything remains superficial, vain."
Romano Guardini
Romano Guardini
Preparing Yourself for Mass*
*32 holy meditations guaranteed to help you pray better, pay closer attention,and grow more reverent during Mass... no matter where, when or how it is celebrated...
(Excerpt from Chapter 1)
(Excerpt from Chapter 1)
IMAGE: Maiden Meditation, Charles West Cope (1847)
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