"The Eucharist acts as a magnet
for the friends of God." - St Luigi Guanella
When St Luigi Guanella was traveling by train with pilgrimages to the various shrines,
he advised the pilgrims to turn their minds and hearts to Jesus every time
they saw a church tower from the carriage window. He would say,
"Every bell tower indicates a church,
where there is a tabernacle,
where Mass is said,
and where Jesus stays."
St Luigi Guanella

Most merciful Father, thank you for this day of work with all its achievements as well as its burdens. Thank you for all the successes, the challenges, and even the difficulties that it brought to me. Your Son once said to His Apostles, "Come by yourselves to an out-of-the-way place and rest a little." Thank you for this gift of rest. May this time be a chance for me to renew my gratitude for all your blessings. In your great compassion and generosity, please be mindful of those who are out of work. And help me to do a better job tomorrow. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
American and Canadian Federal Holiday
First Monday in September

"Work is not only good in the sense that it is useful or something to enjoy;
it is also good as being something worthy, that is to say, something
that corresponds to man's dignity, that expresses this dignity and
increases it. ... Work is a good thing for man - a good thing for his humanity -
because through work man not only transforms nature, adapting it to his own needs,
but he also achieves fulfillment as a human being and indeed in a sense
becomes 'more a human being.'" - St JP II, Laborem Exercens #9
Prayer after Work by Fr. Peter John Cameron, o.p.
From Blessing Prayers
© Magnificat – Used with permission.
Most merciful Father, thank you for this day of work with all its achievements as well as its burdens. Thank you for all the successes, the challenges, and even the difficulties that it brought to me. Your Son once said to His Apostles, "Come by yourselves to an out-of-the-way place and rest a little." Thank you for this gift of rest. May this time be a chance for me to renew my gratitude for all your blessings. In your great compassion and generosity, please be mindful of those who are out of work. And help me to do a better job tomorrow. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
St Joseph, patron of the Worker, pray for us!
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