Third Sunday of ADVENT
Gaudete Sunday
to worshiping with joy "The Lord Who is now nigh and close at hand ”.
The name GAUDETE derives from the first word of this Sunday’s
Introit of the Mass from Phil 4:4-5 ... At the heart, it is a command...
Gaudete in Domino semper ~ Rejoice in the Lord always
Gaudete in Domino semper ~ Rejoice in the Lord always
"Draw near to Christ, present among us
in His Word and in the Eucharist, and...
in the knowledge that He remains with us
at every moment of our lives
and throughout history."
at every moment of our lives
and throughout history."
Pope Benedict XVI
12/09/09, General Audience
12/09/09, General Audience
Click here: Gaudete Sunday - YouTube (2 mins)

Let us remember today with JOY
St Lucy too!
"Those whose hearts are pure are
temples of the Holy Spirit."
temples of the Holy Spirit."
St Lucy (Santa Lucia)
In Italian, Lucia means "light"
Virgin, Martyr
Sicily ~ 283-304
Patron of blindness and eye problems
Feast Day - December 13
(Happy Day, Happy Anniversary to
Jeff, Fr Spencer and the Johnsons -
19 years in the Church!)
19 years in the Church!)

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