"How lovely it was, that first kiss of Jesus in my heart —
it was truly a kiss of love." - St Thérèse of Lisieux

St. Thérèse of Lisieux tells of the experience of her First Holy Communion...
"I would not tell you everything, even if I could, for there are certain things which lose their fragrance in the open air, certain thoughts so intimate that they cannot be translated into earthly language without losing at once their deep and heavenly meaning. How lovely it was, that first kiss of Jesus in my heart — it was truly a kiss of love. I knew that I was loved and said, “I love You, and I give myself to You forever.”
Jesus asked for nothing, He claimed no sacrifice. Long before that, He and little Thérèse had seen and understood one another well, but on that day it was more than a meeting — it was a complete fusion. We were no longer two, for Thérèse had disappeared like a drop of water lost in the mighty ocean. Jesus alone remained — the Master and the King. Had she not asked Him to take away her liberty, the liberty she feared? She felt so weak and frail that she wanted to unite herself forever to His Divine Strength. And her joy became so vast, so deep, that now it overflowed. Soon she was weeping, to the astonishment of her companions, who said to one another later on: “Why did she cry? Was there something on her conscience? Perhaps it was because her mother was not there, or the Carmelite sister she loves so much.”
It was beyond them that all the joy of Heaven had entered one small, exiled heart, and that it was too frail and weak to bear it without tears. As if the absence of my mother could make me unhappy on the day of my First Communion! As all Heaven entered my soul when I received Jesus, my mother came to me as well. Nor could I cry because you were not there, we were closer than ever before. It was joy alone, deep ineffable joy that filled my heart."
Excerpt from St. Thérèse’s autobiography, The Story of a Soul
St Thérèse of Lisieux
France ~ 1873-1897
Carmelite, Doctor of the Church
First Holy Communion date: May 8, 1884
A day in HISTORY: Today, May 8, is not only the Anniversary of St Therese's First Holy Communion, but also the Birthday Anniversary of both St John Vianney and Ven Fulton J Sheen, and the Anniversary of my First Holy Communion - oh-so-many years ago. Earlier in that week I had contracted the measles and so was home convalescing, but I remember the day vividly!
Everything was made ready: Two tiny beeswax candles were lit from the Crucifix Sick Call set. A silver spoon lay ready next to a glass of water in case I needed assistance.
When Fr.Kern brought the Blessed Sacrament into our home a sweet, holy hush blanketed the living room. The relatives that had gathered to celebrate my private First Holy Communion, reverently bowed very low. I listened, I watched and I pondered all - fittingly dressed in my white dress and veil. My polka-dotted face held a beaming grin and my heart nearly burst! ~ Janette
When Fr.Kern brought the Blessed Sacrament into our home a sweet, holy hush blanketed the living room. The relatives that had gathered to celebrate my private First Holy Communion, reverently bowed very low. I listened, I watched and I pondered all - fittingly dressed in my white dress and veil. My polka-dotted face held a beaming grin and my heart nearly burst! ~ Janette
Translation Holy card: "The things of earth seem of little account when one possesses the highest good."
Oh, happy, holy day!
Do you remember/can you figure out
your First Holy Communion date?
Do HEARTILY celebrate it!
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