The Lord and Ruler will be coming soon,
and his name will be called Emmanuel,
because he will be God- with-us.
Cf Isaiah 7:14; 8:10 (Today’s Entrance Antiphon)

"After Holy Communion,
we carry Christ within us
in the sacramental species
just as Mary carried Him
in His own species for nine months. ...
Pregnancy in particular is
Pregnancy in particular is
dense with spiritual lessons: being
'with child' is the model of being 'with Christ'
in faith, hope, love, in humble service
and deepest prayer. Having come,
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
to make His home within me,
Christ wants to remain sub tectum meum,
'under my roof',
the king and centre of my heart.
Obedience to God, formed by loving contemplation
and flowering into loving action,
is unending pregnancy, perpetual birth."
John Saward
Redeemer in the Womb

Top Image: Our Lady of Life and Light
Bottom image: Thanksgiving After Communion ~ Alphonse Legros (1837-191
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