"Prayer is the oxygen of the soul." - St Padre Pio
"Kneel down and render the tribute
of your presence and devotion
of your presence and devotion
to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Confide all your needs to Him,
along with those of others.
Speak to Him with filial abandonment,
give free rein to your heart,
and give Him complete freedom
to work in you as He thinks best."
Confide all your needs to Him,
along with those of others.
Speak to Him with filial abandonment,
give free rein to your heart,
and give Him complete freedom
to work in you as He thinks best."
St Padre Pio of Pietrelcino
Franciscan Priest, Stigmatist, Mystic
Italy ~ 1887-1968
Patron of Eucharistic Adorers
Feast Day - Sept 23

"When I am close to Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament,
I feel as if my heart is bursting
out of my chest." - St Padre Pio
O Blessed Rosary of Mary,
sweet Chain which binds us to God,
Bond of love which unites us to the Angels,
Tower of salvation against the assaults of hell,
safe Haven in the universal shipwreck,
we shall never abandon you.
Petition to Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii,
often recited by Padre Pio
"In the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist,
in this sacrament of love, we have true life,
a blessed life, and true happiness." - St Padre Pio
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