FEAST of Our Lady of Lourdes*
February 11
26th WORLD DAY of the SICK
"May the Virgin Mary intercede for this Twenty-sixth World Day of the Sick;
may she help the sick to experience their suffering in communion
with the Lord Jesus; and may she support all those who care for them.
To all, the sick, to healthcare workers and to volunteers,
I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing." - Pope Francis
(Full text of Letter for XXVI World Day of Sick, 2018 - BELOW)
"May the Virgin Mary intercede for this Twenty-sixth World Day of the Sick;
may she help the sick to experience their suffering in communion
with the Lord Jesus; and may she support all those who care for them.
To all, the sick, to healthcare workers and to volunteers,
I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing." - Pope Francis
(Full text of Letter for XXVI World Day of Sick, 2018 - BELOW)
Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, France
“All the shrines of Mary,
scattered throughout the world,
have become above all
centers of devotion to the Eucharist,
as if the Mother of Jesus had appeared,
here or there,
in order to lead the faithful to the
adoration and love of her blessed Son.”
Pope St John XXIII
*Lourdes, France, has become a place of pilgrimage and healing, but even more of faith.
It is a continuation of Jesus’ healing miracles. Many who visitLourdes return home
It is a continuation of Jesus’ healing miracles. Many who visit
with renewed faith and a readiness to more generously serve God.
There still may be people who doubt the apparitions of Lourdes . Perhaps
the best that can be said are the words that introduce the film, Song of Bernadette:
the best that can be said are the words that introduce the film, Song of Bernadette:
"For those who believe in God, no explanation is necessary.
For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible."
Only known picture of St Bernadette at the Grotto
(taken after the apparitions of 1858)

Our Lady of Lourdes , pray for us,
and especially the sick and suffering!
and especially the sick and suffering!
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