"Everything is grace, everything is the direct effect of our Father's love...
Everything is a grace because everything is God's gift." - St Therese of Lisieux

From the bottom of my heart I recommend frequent confession and Communion, but both of these sacraments should be
received with the proper dispositions
so that progress in virtue
so that progress in virtue
can be made each time."
Saint Juan Bosco
Saint Juan Bosco

“St. Augustine says, that to prevent the sheep from seeking assistance by her cries, the wolf seizes her by the neck, and thus securely carries her away and devours her. The Devil acts in a similar manner with the sheep of Jesus Christ. After having induced them to yield to sin, he seizes them by the throat, that they may not confess their guilt; and thus he securely brings them to Hell." - St Alphonsus Ligouri
Prepare for a time of Confession now -
before Gaudete Sunday -
that you may truly REJOICE!
The soul that is in bondage to the flesh is incapable of conceiving things divine, and hence the surest way to enlighten the mind is to purify the heart." - Abbe Fouard

"After confession a crown is given to penitents."
St John Chrysostom
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