First Sunday of Advent
Renewing the HOPE
In Advent, Christians relive a dual impulse of the spirit: on the one hand, they raise their eyes towards the final destination of their pilgrimage through history, which is the glorious return of the Lord Jesus; on the other, remembering with emotion His birth in Bethlehem , they kneel before the Crib. The hope of Christians is turned to the future but remains firmly rooted in an event of the past. In the fullness of time, the Son of God was born of the Virgin Mary: "Born of a woman, born under the law", as the Apostle Paul writes (Gal 4: 4). - Pope Benedict XVI, 27 November 2005

"Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy..." - Luke 21:34 (Today's Gospel)
Fr Orr ~ St John Neumann Catholic Church ~ Knoxville, TN ~ USA
"Jesus, … the Eucharist is the sacramental testimony of Your first coming, with which the words of the prophets were reconfirmed and expectations were fulfilled. You have left us, O Lord, Your Body and Blood under the species of bread and wine that they may bear witness to the fact that the world has been redeemed - that through them Your paschal mystery may reach all men as the Sacrament of life and salvation.
The Eucharist is at the same time a constant announcement of Your second coming and the sign of the definitive Advent and also of the expectation of the whole Church.
When we eat this bread and drink this cup,
we proclaim Your death, Lord Jesus, until You come in glory.
Every day and every hour we wish to adore You, stripped under the species of bread and wine, to renew the hope of the call to glory. Amen."
St John Paul II
Quoted in Jesus, We Adore You
Paul Thigpen
Quoted in Jesus, We Adore You
Paul Thigpen
Advent season resources
"Prepare your hearts to receive Jesus the Savior." - Pope Francis
Vatican Advent page
Click here: US Bishops - Advent (with daily family activities)
Click here: US Bishops - Advent (with daily family activities)
Click here: 10 Advent Songs to Remind It's Not Yet Christmas - FOCUS Blog
Click here: EWTN Global Catholic Television Network: Advent, Advent Calendar, Christmas, Christmas Holidays
Click here: EWTN Global Catholic Television Network: Advent, Advent Calendar, Christmas, Christmas Holidays Learn more about the saints of Advent,
including the Blessed Virgin Mary (Dec. 8, 10 and 12),St. John the Baptist,
St Francis Xavier (Dec 3),St. Nicholas (Dec. 6),
including the Blessed Virgin Mary (Dec. 8, 10 and 12),
St Francis Xavier (Dec 3),
St Ambrose (Dec 7), St. Juan Diego (Dec. 9), St. Lucy (Dec. 13),
St John of the Cross (Dec 14), St Peter Canisius (Dec 21),
and St John of Kanty (Dec 23)
St John of the Cross (Dec 14), St Peter Canisius (Dec 21),
and St John of Kanty (Dec 23)
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