"Feed on this Bread of Angels from which you will
draw the strength to fight inner struggles." - Bl Pier Giorgio Frassati
draw the strength to fight inner struggles." - Bl Pier Giorgio Frassati
"Ask Jesus to make you a saint.
After all, only He can do that.
Go to confession regularly
and to Communion as often as you can."
St. Dominic Savio

"This world is filled with many vulgar and dishonorable things
that will claw and tear at your Christian purity if you allow them to.
Don't let them! Seek instead the things of God. He will
purify you and free you from your slavery to profane
and inconsequential things." - Patrick Madrid

“There is no shame so great that God’s mercy cannot shine forth from its midst. … Jesus is not afraid to go to the core of our shame to heal us. Sins and secrets do not scare Him. The serpent causes shame and hiding;
Jesus invites us to mercy and communion.” ~ Fr Richard Veras
"I think one of the central elements of my own discipleship so far has been my pastors’ focus on the Cross. The way of Jesus is the way of the cross. It is terribly painful to give up one’s sins and self-will,
to allow one’s old self to be crucified along with Jesus …
and I have been very grateful to my pastors who acknowledge how hard
and painful it can be along this Christian journey. But the way of the cross is also the way of life and peace.” - Dr Holly Ordway (excerpt - Former Atheist: Christianity Really Does Make Sense)
"One of the most admirable effects of Holy Communion
is to preserve the soul from sin, and to help those who fall
through weakness to rise again." - St Ignatius of Loyola
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