"St John tells us that God is Love.
Thus, God can never reveal Himself without love,
because love is Who God is." - Fr Richard Veras

Thus, God can never reveal Himself without love,
because love is Who God is." - Fr Richard Veras

"As medieval Christians came to seek union with Christ in abiding before the reserved Blessed Sacrament, they likewise began to discover in the presence of their God a deeper union with their family and friends, as did Saint Elzear of Sabran, a Third Order Franciscan (1286 - 1323), who, in a letter to his wife, Saint Delphina, wrote:
'You desire to hear often of me.
Go often to visit our amiable
Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Sacrament.
Enter in spirit His Sacred Heart.
You know that to be my constant dwelling.
You will always find me there.'"
From In the Presence of Our Lord
Go often to visit our amiable
Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Sacrament.
Enter in spirit His Sacred Heart.
You know that to be my constant dwelling.
You will always find me there.'"
From In the Presence of Our Lord
The History, Theology, and Psychology of Eucharistic Devotion
Fr Benedict J Groeschel, CFR and James Monti
Fr Benedict J Groeschel, CFR and James Monti
St Joachim and St Anne
Parents of the Virgin Mary
Patron of Grandparents
Parents of the Virgin Mary
Patron of Grandparents
St Joachim and St Anne, pray for us!
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